So, around 10:30am is when the action started. In Korea, the hospitals are similar in practice to what you might have seen in America 50 years ago - as soon as the gore starts, they kick the husband out.
I waited with her parents in the waiting room for a bit and then a nurse busted in and told me to "suit up" (um, I'm not going to mention the fact that they never once told me to wash/sanitize) /shrug
I was able to get into the delivery room to see the last few pushes (and Joo's tremendous effort), and to see our baby being born.
It's quite a surreal feeling. I really with I could describe it better, but I think that that is the perfect word for it.
So, at 11:32am on June 9th, Hannah Ha-Eun Foychuk was brought into this world in Seoul, Korea weighing 3.25kg (7.15 lbs). She's the biggest baby in the ward... and the "Whitest". lol
Good luck little girl. The world is a tough place, but know that you're loved!