Monday, June 20, 2005

Finding Neverland

Joo and I (well actually she fell asleep) just watched this move and loved it. Ok, ok, she slept through a lot of it, but I loved it. I was surprised. maybe I was just feeling a little mushy that day, but it is a real tear jerker.

Check it out with someone you love (in otherwords, it is a "chick flick")


Sarah Nadine said...

I didnt like it that much. But you know what's a real tear jerker and even better than that movie is "The Notebook" ... maybe it is a bit of a chick flick, but not entirely. I highly recommend it. Rent it or go see it in a DVD bang, that way if it gets boring, you know what to do. ;o)

Aaron said...

Didn't I tell you it was a good one to watch with a girl? Hell, even I found it tugging at my salty, curmudgeonly heartstrings.

Juggy said...

The funny thing is.. my girl fell asleep. It was I who succumed to the emotion of it!

Aaron said...

Exactly. The girl falls asleep and leaves you to your tears.