Tuesday, August 16, 2005

10 Day MBA

Well I am still trying to keep with the "a book a week" thing. I know it's been over a week since i last posted a book, but honestly, the "week" thing is subjective. Kinda like when God created so and so in 7 days. personally, it's all a matter of perspective.

Anyways, my most recent book was "THE 10 DAY MBA" (must be said in CAPS I suppose).
I am not really going to write much about it other than... it was ok.

I read it, not because I'm interested in getting my MB, but more because I wanted to enlarge my Biz-speak. Instead, I think I bored myself out of the business. It's not a bad book, it is just something I'm not focused on right now.

I may have to pick it up for a second read at a later date.

1 comment:

Juggy said...

Interesting information. Unfortunately I just recently sent all my money to a Nigerian official that sears he will more than double it.